The role of social networks in creating the youth electoral potential
Levina E.V.1
1 Институт проблем рынка РАН, Russia
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Journal paper
Economics and society: contemporary models of development (РИНЦ)
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Volume 11, Number 2 (April-June 2021)
Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
The article presents the features of creating the youth electoral potential through social networks.
The subject of the research is the youth electoral potential.
The purpose of the study is to identify the influence of Internet communications in social networks on the formation of the electoral potential of young people.
The research methodology consists of methods of analysis and synthesis, classification and generalization, mathematical and statistical analysis.
Research results. It is stated that in modern society in the context of global digitalization and the development of network technologies, Internet communication through social networks form and develop the electoral potential of young people, since they are the most demanded means of interaction for this age group.
Application. The results of the study are relevant and can be used for the further study of this problem, as well as in the process of forming the electoral potential of young people on the eve of election campaigns.
Keywords: electoral potential, youth, elections, network technologies, Internet communications, election campaign, social networks
Статья подготовлена при финансовой поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований. Проект 20-011-31644 «Электоральный потенциал публичных политиков г. Москвы и их позиционирование в социальных сетях».
JEL-classification: D72, J13, K16, L86, O35
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